No. Title Date
41 Unemployed population by method of looking for work during last month, age and sex
42 Unemployed population by period worked in the past 12 months, age and sex
43 Economically not active population by reason for not being active, age and sex
44 Unemployed population by duration of unemployment, age and sex
45 Population, 15 years and over, by level of income, age and sex
46 Unemployed population by place of birth, age and sex
47 Employed population by occupation, income and sex
48 Employed population by occupation, age and sex
49 Population, 15 years and over, by second main source of income, age and sex
50 Population, 15 years and over, by main source of income, age and sex
51 Economic status of the population by geozone 2
52 Economic status of the population by geozone
53 International economic development
54 Economic growth and labour market in Curaçao, 2013-2015
55 Results Labaour force Survey 2018
56 Results Business Census 2014
57 Results Business Census 2014