No. Title Date
21 Employed population by place of birth, age and sex
22 Employed, unemployed and economically not active population by level of income and sex
23 International economic development
24 National Accounts Curacao 2003-2009
25 National Accounts Netherlands Antilles 1997-2004
26 Population, 15 years and over, by level of income, age and sex
27 Population, 15 years and over, by main source of income, age and sex
28 Population, 15 years and over, by second main source of income, age and sex
29 Population by disability status economic status
30 The potential contribution and economic impact of ethnic entrepreneurs especially the Chinese business owners, on small and Medium Entreprises in Curaçao
31 The potential contribution and economic impact of ethnic entrepreneurs especially the Chinese business owners, on small and Medium Entreprises in Curaçao
32 Press Release
33 Press Release Economic Development 2021
34 Press Release Economic Development Curaçao 2019
35 Press Release Economic Development
36 Press Release Economic Growth Development Curaçao 2005-2006
37 Press Release Economic Growth Development Curaçao 2007-2008
38 Press Release Economic Growth Development Curaçao 2009
39 Press Release Economic Growth Development Curaçao 2010
40 Press Release Economic Growth Development Curaçao 2011